Frank is the Chair of MSI’s Board. Frank is also Chairman of Baobab + and NED of Agra, AECF, Buhler and Tiger Brands. Earlier mandates include Chairman of Private Investors for Africa and Vice Chairperson of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania and Feronia. He his career spans 30 years in consumer goods, foods and agriculture.
He has extensive experience with the African continent and with other emerging and frontier markets, having worked in high-growth emerging markets like Poland, Russia and the Andean countries.
Currently based in Dubai, Frank is fully dedicated to his NED portfolio which encompasses both for-profit and not-for-profit mandates. The central theme is emerging markets and a focus on sustainability challenges. Until May 2013, Frank was the Regional President Unilever Africa and the Middle East, a US$5bn revenue food and consumer product business. Earlier Unilever assignments included Regional President of the China Region, Managing Director Unilever Foods France, and Chairman of the Andina Region.
Frank holds an MBA and a Masters of Laws from Leuven University, Belgium.