MSI Mali
Since 2008, MSI Reproductive Choices has become one of Mali’s principal providers of family planning and reproductive healthcare services.
MSI Mali now works in 12 regions of Mali Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso, Ségou, Mopti, Timbuktu, Bougouni, Dioila, Koutiala, Kita, Bandiagara and San and the greater district of Bamako offering access to client-centred contraceptive services and vital post-abortion care.
MSI Mali’s programmes are designed to meet the needs of clients who are financially and geographically disadvantaged, including adolescents, so that no one is left behind and everyone can access the healthcare they seek to determine their future.
Since 2021, MSI Mali has been implementing a programme to respond to gender-based violence.
Contact us
Contact our Mali support office to talk about our work.
Marie Stopes Mali
Sotuba ACI
Face au terrain de foot du Stade Malien
BPE 4798
Bamako, Mali
Tel: +223 44 90 28 91
Tel: +223 44 90 28 92
Looking for services
Looking for services in Mali? Use the contacts below to speak to our advisers.
Tel: 8000 11 88 (free on Malitel network)
Tel: 20 706 706