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Leaving no one behind 

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    Between 2020 and 2030, we will have supported over 120 million people with sexual and reproductive healthcare. 80% will have had little to no prior access. 

    Access to reproductive choice can be life changing. Reproductive choice supports girls to stay in school, helps women to pursue their careers, and saves lives by preventing unsafe abortions and maternal deaths. But for many, reproductive choice — and the opportunities that it brings — remain out of reach.  

    This is especially true for remote communities and those affected by conflict or climate change and marginalised communities including LGBTQI people and people living with disabilities. 

    That’s why our commitment to leaving no one behind is at the heart of our MSI 2030 strategy. We’re travelling to communities often left behind to deliver reproductive healthcare, and training public sector providers so these services are available for the long-term.  

    Watch our MSI Nigeria team in action: 

    Going the last mile for women and girls 

    We know for rural, low-income and displaced communities, and those affected by climate change, MSI’s last mile services are often their only chance at accessing reproductive healthcare.  

    With over 45 years of experience delivering care to marginalised and underserved communities, our teams know how to reach those often left behind. They are out every day helping:   

    • Communities who are overlooked and marginalised. In 2022, 1 in 3 of our contraceptive clients had never accessed contraception before and 1 in 3 were living in multi-dimensional poverty. 
    • Young people. Last year, MSI supported 2.6 million adolescents with their reproductive choices — a group too often excluded from sexual and reproductive healthcare. 
    • Women in crisis and conflict. Our teams are working to protect access to women’s healthcare in humanitarian settings in nine countries, including Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Myanmar, and on the frontlines of climate change

    It only costs £5 for our outreach teams to provide someone with contraception for a whole year, protecting them from an unintended pregnancy and helping them determine their own future. Our frontline teams are working cost-effectively and at scale to transform lives.  

    Changing millions of lives 

    In 2024, in partnership with governments, civil society organisations and healthcare partners, MSI supported: 


    with reproductive healthcare across 36 countries


    adolescents with their sexual and reproductive health


    with reproductive choice every single day

    “If you hadn’t have come, we wouldn’t have gotten access to these contraceptives. I feel good about my body. I am happy.”

    Naomi, 19, MSI Nigeria contraceptive client 

    Partnering with the public sector for sustainable access 

    To achieve a world where everyone has reproductive choice, partnerships across the health system, including the public and private sectors, will be vital. 

    With time, partnership, and joint investment, we know that national ownership of comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare can be achieved.  

    Working closely with Ministries of Health and district health authorities across 22 of MSI’s country programmes, we’re increasing the choice, quality and reach of national reproductive healthcare services, so women can be confident they have access for the long-term

    In 2024, we supported 8.2 million clients to access high-quality reproductive healthcare through their local public service provider, across 6,410 government facilities.   

    We partnered with MSI Nigeria to build our team’s capacity to deliver a range of contraceptive options. By offering quality care and choices, I know we are changing lives.

    Zainab, public sector midwife at a primary health centre in north-east Nigeria

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    How we can leave no one behind together

    In partnership, we can transform access to sexual and reproductive healthcare.

    Uganda clinic (1)

    Health systems strengthening

    For many people, their closest provider of sexual and reproductive healthcare is a public sector facility. We transform access to healthcare by working with the public sector.

    Susana and pal (1)

    Partner with us

    Whether you give time, money, or expertise, your investment could benefit women and families for generations to come. Get in touch to discuss how we can work together to leave no one behind. 

    Pooja - community health worker (1)

    Donate to give someone choice

    Your donation today could provide a young woman with contraception, or save a woman’s life with abortion care. Help us go the last mile to deliver reproductive choice to those with no other access.