MSI’s Advocacy Achievements in 2021
In 2021, our national advocacy teams, along with our partners, contributed to an impressive 10 changes in policy, law, regulation or financing, improving sexual and reproductive health and rights. Find out more in our two-pager.
Nothing about us without us – 3 lessons on delivering disability inclusive reproductive healthcare
Everyone deserves the right to make their own choices about their bodies and their futures. Yet, many people with disabilities are still denied that choice. This International Day for Disabled Persons, we're shining a light on how we can deliver healthcare that is truly inclusive, with three lessons we learned on delivering sexual and reproductive…
Putting clients first: Empowering choice with client-centred care
Sexual and reproductive healthcare is personal. That means that the person best placed to make decisions about their body and their future is the client themselves. Learn about how MSI works to empower clients to make the reproductive choices that are right for them.
MSI’s Client-Centred Care Strategy
MSI’s client-centred care strategy helps our teams deliver on our commitment to provide care that puts the clients interests first. This means respective our clients as active partners in their own services, caring about who they are, what happens to them, and how they feel before, during, and after they receive a service from us.
Choice in a Digital Age: MSI Choices Digital and Technology Strategy
This strategy outlines how we’ll use digital and technology to support the delivery of our ambitious MSI 2030 strategy.
12 Million Safe Services: MSI’s 2020 Clinical Quality Report
In our clinical quality report, we share the clinical governance processes we have in place to ensure whoever the client and wherever the facility, a quality service is provided.
Financial Statements and Annual Report 2020
Read about our performance in 2020, how we adapted to meet the needs of women, and how we have grown and delivered services under our five-year-strategy – Scaling-up Excellence.
MSI Reproductive Choices awarded funding support from Australia for Asia Pacific COVID-19 SRHR Initiative
MSI Reproductive Choices is pleased to announce a new partnership with the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) to roll out a new project to protect access to SRHR during COVID-19.
New MSI data shows that millions of vulnerable women and girls will bear the brunt of UK aid cuts after ‘double hit’ to reproductive healthcare
MSI data reveals that unless replacement funding is found, women will face a double hit from UK aid cuts, with investment slashed for frontline teams and the life-changing contraception they provide.
In West Africa, UK aid cuts put lives and futures at risk
The focus of the announcements has been on pounds and programmes, but with cuts to UK aid, it’s the lives and futures of millions of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people that are on the line.