‘I suffered in silence’ – Christiana’s story
Christiana planned on going to university but, with two small babies already, falling pregnant a third time was the last thing she needed.
A chance to teach: Margaret’s story
Since I received the contraceptive, my worries about becoming pregnant stopped and I was able to pursue my career in a teacher’s college
Sayana Press in the Sahel – factsheet
Marie Stopes International has been offering Sayana. Press in our service delivery channels in Burkina Faso, Niger and Senegal since May 2016. This factsheet details some of our results to date.
Time to Invest: Building the case for investment in contraception
Contraception changes lives, and in doing so drives social and economic development. Our report shows sound evidence for the transformative potential of contraception.
Providing long-acting and permanent contraceptives through outreach in rural Uganda
A follow-up of tubal ligation, IUD and implant clients from MSI Uganda outreach clinics demonstrated contraception can be provided safely and effectively.
No more unsafe abortion – Dina’s story
By the time Dina was 24 years old, she had carried out eight self-induced unsafe abortions. She shares how MSI Ghana is helping her to avoid unintended pregnancy safely.
Are our voucher programmes working? Evaluating methods and results in six countries
Are our voucher programmes working? To evaluate their effectiveness, we reviewed voucher interventions for family planning and sexual and reproductive health services across our country programmes.
What is a CYP?
Learn more about Couple Years of Protection – a measure that estimates the protection from pregnancy provided by contraceptive methods during a one-year period.