MSI comment on woman sentenced for ending her own pregnancy

Abortion   |   13 June 2023   |   2 min read



In a rare and distressing case, a woman has been sentenced for ending her own pregnancy outside the narrow parameters of the Abortion Act 1967.

The Act makes abortion legal under certain specific circumstances. One in three women has an abortion in the UK. It is a common, safe procedure, although it sits within criminal law.

Dr Sarah Salkeld, UK Associate Clinical Director for MSI Reproductive Choices said:

“This has been an incredibly distressing case for everyone involved. It is neither a compassionate nor a proportionate response to send someone to prison for ending their pregnancy. Nor is it in the public interest.

“This ruling could have repercussions for those who find themselves in unimaginably difficult situations, including unexplained pregnancy loss.”

Notes to Editors  

For interviews and further information please contact: 


Tel: (+44) 07769 166 516  

About MSI Reproductive Choices 

MSI is a global organisation providing contraception and safe abortion services to women and girls in 37 countries. We believe that every woman and girl should have the right to determine her own future, and the high-quality services we provide give a woman the power to pursue her dreams for herself and her family. 



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