How we partnered with the Ugandan government to transform contraceptive choice
If we are to realise a world where everyone has reproductive choice, holistic partnerships across the health system will be vital. In Uganda, our government partnership programme has shown that by taking an integrated approach to health system strengthening, we can transform access to contraceptive choice.
Why we need to make reproductive justice part of the climate conversation and action plan
While climate change threatens everyone, women and girls are disproportionately impacted especially in the world’s poorest countries.
Nothing about us without us – 3 lessons on delivering disability inclusive reproductive healthcare
Everyone deserves the right to make their own choices about their bodies and their futures. Yet, many people with disabilities are still denied that choice. This International Day for Disabled Persons, we're shining a light on how we can deliver healthcare that is truly inclusive, with three lessons we learned on delivering sexual and reproductive…
Three ways the climate crisis impacts reproductive choice
During times of crisis, access to reproductive choice is essential. By ensuring women and girls can continue to access sexual and reproductive healthcare services, we can support those on the frontline to adapt and prevent unintended pregnancy while navigating the crisis. Here are three ways that the climate crisis impacts reproductive choice and why it’s…
Putting clients first: Empowering choice with client-centred care
Sexual and reproductive healthcare is personal. That means that the person best placed to make decisions about their body and their future is the client themselves. Learn about how MSI works to empower clients to make the reproductive choices that are right for them.
Their Futures: 3 lessons on expanding choice for rural adolescents
Increased stigma and longer journey times can make it harder for rural young people to access reproductive choice. In this article, we share what MSI has learned from delivering services to sexual and reproductive healthcare to millions of adolescents and how we can partner to transform access.
In West Africa, UK aid cuts put lives and futures at risk
The focus of the announcements has been on pounds and programmes, but with cuts to UK aid, it’s the lives and futures of millions of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people that are on the line.
Leaving no one behind: 8 ways to make reproductive choice a reality for all
Access to reproductive choice can be life-changing. But for many, choice and the opportunities that it brings remain out of reach. We’re listing eight ways we can make reproductive choice a reality for all.
My Body, My Voice. Let’s listen to clients on telemedicine abortion care.
One year on, we take a look at the impact that telemedicine has had across MSI’s programmes, and what the global body of evidence – and clients directly – are telling us.
Five essentials to eliminate unsafe abortion with Universal Health Coverage
This Universal Health Coverage (UHC) day, MSI Reproductive Choices is calling for universal access to quality reproductive healthcare, including safe abortion, but to eliminate unsafe abortion we will need to go further.