Meet our providers
Meet three of our bold providers who are committed to reproductive choice and to a future where women and girls take their rightful place in all aspects of society.
Briefing: Impact of the Global Gag Rule on Frontline Reproductive Healthcare
Evidence on how U.S. policy has affected policy, partnerships, provision and access across MSI’s programmes, including in Madagascar, Uganda and Nepal.
Evidence brief: Supporting self-management of MA from pharmacies
This MSI evidence brief summarises the recent learnings and practices that can help to create an enabling environment for the safe, supported self-management of medication abortion (MA) via pharmacies.
Report #2: My Body, My Voice: Women’s views on abortion care (2019-20)
Last year, we launched our first My Body, My Voice report to share their feedback and experiences, and this year, we are pleased to publish client insights from even more settings.
Q&A: Answering your questions on contraception
Marie Stopes UK’s Lead Contraception Nurse, Julia Hogan,answers the six most commonly asked questions on all things contraception this World Contraception Day.
Press release: 1.9m clients lost access to our services due to COVID-19
MSI reveals new data showing that 1.9 million women and girls have lost access to its contraception and safe abortion services in the first half of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resilience, adaptation and action: MSI’s response to COVID-19
As COVID-19 continues to devastate lives and communities across the world, MSI shares new data on the impact of access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
No quick fix: how MSI has transformed its global reach to adolescents
In 2017, we shifted our focus and invested in delivering adolescent-focused services. Since then, we have seen our reach significantly increase across our country programmes.
Let’s make cervical cancer history
In this article, we’ll share our insights into how cervical cancer screening and preventative therapy services can be successfully integrated in wider sexual and reproductive healthcare.
Annual Report & Financial Statements 2019
MSI’s Board of Trustees presents its report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019 under the Charities Act 2011 and the Companies Act 2006.