Editorial - Nepal

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    When you give someone choice, you give them the power to determine their future — that benefits all of us.

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    With reproductive choice, we give women and girls the freedom to determine their own paths — that could mean finishing school, starting a business, taking on a leadership role, spacing their children, or choosing any future they want. When women and girls have choice, it benefits everyone.

    When we invest in reproductive health, we invest in women’s futures 

    When you unlock a woman’s potential and put her in the driving seat of her future, there’s a ripple effect. It supports families to have more time and resources, drives change in communities, expands countries’ economic opportunities, and builds a fairer world for everyone.  

    That’s why sexual and reproductive healthcare is a proven ‘best-buy’ in international development. It’s life-saving healthcare that also fast-tracks several sustainable development goals — including Gender Equality, No Poverty, and Health and Wellbeing — and shifts harmful cultural norms. Every $1 invested in contraception generates over $120 in health and socio-economic gains.  

    The lasting impact of reproductive healthcare is bigger than the sum of its parts. If we can provide women with their choice of reproductive healthcare, we can transform society for all.  

    Reproductive choice supports

    257 million women and girls want to be using contraception but have no access.

    Every year, an estimated 35 million women and girls are forced to resort to an unsafe abortion, denied access to safe care.

    9 million will face medical complications due to an unsafe abortion and 22,800 will die.

    In the countries we work in, pregnancy-related deaths would be 15% higher without our programmes.

    Every year, up to four million girls are forced out of school in sub-Saharan Africa due to unintended pregnancy.

    With choice, girls can remain in school, with every additional year of education having the potential to increase their earnings by up to 20%.

    Every year, MSI supports over 2 million adolescents with their reproductive choices, supporting them to remain in education.

    With the power to choose if or when to become pregnant, girls can remain in education and women can pursue their careers, taking on leadership roles and helping to build a fairer future for all.

    One in three of the people MSI supports with sexual and reproductive healthcare through our last mile services is living in multi-dimensional poverty and more than half have no alternative provider for their service.

    Research shows that when women can access abortion care, they are less likely to experience poverty, debt or eviction.

    With contraceptive access, women can choose their family size, supporting them to care for their existing children and re-enter work when desired.

    For just 2 pence / 3 cents per day, MSI can provide a woman or girl with contraceptive choice.

    For just £13, MSI can support a woman or girl to avoid an unintended pregnancy, giving them the power to determine their own future.

    Evidence has consistently shown sexual and reproductive healthcare to be a development best-buy. Every $1 invested in contraception generates over $120 in health and socio-economic gains.

    Every day, MSI supports over 94,000 women and girls with reproductive choice, with a ripple effect on their families and communities.

    Making reproductive choice possible

    At MSI, we’ve worked for nearly 50 years to deliver reproductive choice in some of the world’s most underserved communities. By listening to our clients, looking at the data and refining our approach, we’ve learned how to expand access at scale.  

    In 36 countries, we’ve supported over 200 million people with their reproductive choices, helping them to make choices about their lives and their futures.  

    MSI’s impact in a year

    MSI works across 36 countries to make reproductive choice possible, by providing, training and advocating for sexual and reproductive healthcare. In 2024, together with governments and partners, we supported: 


    with reproductive healthcare


    adolescents with their sexual health


    with reproductive choice every day


    women’s and girls’ lives saved


    Without MSI, maternal deaths would be 15% higher in the countries we work in

    “Access to contraception has helped to close the gap between men and women. Now, women can be out there making money, pushing our families to the top and making our country proud.” 

    Hingis, 24, accessed contraception with MSI in Ghana 


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    More on MSI’s impact

    Find out more about MSI’s global services, and how we can make an impact together.

    MSI- Nigeria - November 2023

    Making choice possible

    In 2024, MSI supported 23.8 million people with sexual and reproductive healthcare.  Read how this was possible in our impact report.  

    anonymous client

    Donate to make choice possible

    Last year we supported more that 94,000 people with their reproductive choices every day. Donate to support women and girls to have control over their bodies and futures.

    Faith_ 33 is a MSI outreach nurse_midwife (1)

    Learn about our technical expertise

    MSI’s work is powered by evidence and clinical best practice. With accurate data we can make informed decisions on how to make the greatest impact.  

    Staff member stands in front of MSI Mexico clinic

    Partner with us

    Together, we can support young people to make choices about their bodies and their futures and help build a more gender equal world. Get in touch to discuss how.