Share your abortion story
Abortion is a safe and common form of healthcare, but it is often shrouded in secrecy and stigma. By sharing our abortion stories, we can change this.
Share your abortion story and help end the stigma
Worldwide, nearly one in three pregnancies end in abortion, but while it’s an extremely safe and common form of healthcare, abortion experiences are rarely spoken about.
By talking about abortion, our abortion experiences, and what choice has made possible in our lives, we can help show that abortion is normal, abortion is healthcare, and abortion is a human right.
At MSI, we often talk about the role we can all play in smashing abortion stigma, and that can mean different things for different people. You could use our abortion language guide to speak about abortion in a stigma-free and accurate way, and you could share your abortion story.
Abortion stories are powerful
At MSI, we often hear from people seeking abortion care that reading other abortion stories helped them on their journey. There is no single way to feel when accessing abortion care, so being able to read about a range of abortion experiences can help to reassure people in what they’re feeling.
If you’d be willing to share your experience of accessing abortion care, we’d love to hear from you, and you’re welcome to remain anonymous if you’d prefer.
Abortion stories go beyond those who have accessed care. We all have a role to play in ending abortion stigma, so we’d also welcome stories from those who have been on their own pro-choice journey. Perhaps your opinions of abortion have evolved over the years and have developed to be pro-choice over time. If this is you, we’d love to hear from you too.