Campaign for reproductive rights
Help make reproductive choice possible around the world.
Support our campaigns for reproductive choice
At MSI, we’re campaigning to improve access to reproductive health and rights around the world. Learn about our current campaigns and how you can get involved.

Roe v Wade: Protect Choice
The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade is the biggest hit to women’s rights in the US in a generation, and the impact on abortion rights is felt globally. Help us push back.

Let’s decriminalise abortion
Abortion is a safe and common form of healthcare, and a human right. But in many countries around the world, abortion remains criminalised, preventing access to healthcare.

Help us #StandForChoice
With reproductive rights under attack in the US and around the world, it’s never been more important that we stand for choice and all the benefits that choice brings.

Finish the contraceptive revolution
Too many people still don’t have access to the contraceptive choices that would enable them to take control of their lives. It’s time to prioritise contraception and finish what we started.