Help us safeguard the right to choose.
With reproductive rights under attack around the world, there’s never been a more important time to protect the right to make choices about our bodies and futures.
By supporting our global advocacy work, you could help us push back against harmful policies and protect vulnerable women.
Your donation can also help us continue to provide reproductive health and abortion services across 6 continents.
Learn about MSI Reproductive Choices
Find out more about the services we provide and the power of reproductive choice:
Advocating for reproductive rights
We use our voice, reputation, and influence to fight for reproductive rights. Last year, we achieved 13 legal and policy wins that support reproductive choice.
Advancing gender equality
Gender equality isn’t possible without reproductive choice. Learn about how we’re supporting girls’ education and women’s empowerment.
Providing healthcare services
In 2023, MSI supported 23.3 million people with sexual and reproductive healthcare, from contraception and abortion care to cervical cancer screening.
Building climate resilience
Women and girls are hardest hit by climate change. To support those on the frontline of the climate crisis to adapt, we need to offer reproductive choice.