Contact MSI & find services
Global support office
For general information and enquiries about MSI Reproductive Choices and our work around the world, please contact us by post, phone or email.

MSI Reproductive Choices, 1 Conway Street, Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6LP, UK
Contact our media team

Our programmes and services
MSI has 17 country programmes in Africa.
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +226 80 00 12 07
WhatsApp: +226 66000911
Website: mariestopes.bf
Facebook: facebook.com/msibfa
Twitter: twitter.com/MSIBFa
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +226 25 40 77 71
Address: Marie Stopes Burkina Faso, Rue Naba Targambga, Coté Nord Fondation, Ben Massoud-Mosquée Al-Houda, Rue 15.424 Ouaga 2000, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/msi-burkina-faso
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +40 00 22
WhatsApp: +234818900022
Website: msi-rdc.org
Facebook: facebook.com/MSIRDC
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +243 82 899 72 25
Address: MSI DRC, 126, Boulevard du 30 juin, Q. Royal Kinshasa/Gombe
Instagram: instagram.com/msi_rdc
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: 8044
Website: mariestopes.org.et
Facebook: facebook.com/mariestopeseth
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +251 115184300
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Ethiopia, Kirkos Sub City, Woreda 02, House No.174, P.O. Box 5775, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Twitter: twitter.com/MarieStopesEth
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +233 0800 2 85 85
WhatsApp: +233 0244208585
Website: mariestopes.org.gh
Facebook: facebook.com/mariestopesghana
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +233 244320745
Address: Marie Stopes Ghana, 36 Akwei Street, Tesano, Accra, Ghana
Twitter: twitter.com/MarieStopes_Gh
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +254 0800 720 005
WhatsApp: 0709819001
Website: mariestopes.or.ke
Facebook: facebook.com/marie.stopes.kenya.1985
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +254 (0)115431629
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Kenya Kindaruma Road, Off Ngong Road, Kilimani Nairobi. P.O. Box 59328 – 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
Twitter: twitter.com/MarieStopesKe
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: 411 (free for Mada networks) or +261 034 90 177 50
Website: msichoices.org.mg
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +261 020 22 403 04 / 020 22 416 24
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Madagascar, ILot IIP 136 bis Avaradoha, Madagascar
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +265 01 873 240
Website: banjalamtsogolo.org
Facebook: facebook.com/blmmalawi
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +265 (0) 1772 505/497/511
Email: [email protected]
Address: Banja La Mtsogolo, Mpatsa House, Off Paul Kagame Road, P.O. Box 1854, Lilongwe, Malawi
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: 8000 11 88 (free on Malitel network) / 20 706 706
Website: mariestopes.ml
Facebook: facebook.com/MarieStopesMali
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +223 44 90 28 91 / +223 44 90 28 92
Address: Marie Stopes Mali, Sotuba ACI, Face au terrain de foot du Stade Malien, BPE 4798, Bamako, Mali
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +227 91 72 08 83
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +227 20 72 37 48
Address: Marie Stopes Niger, Quartier Plateau, Boulevard Mali Bero, Rue Issa Berie, IB65-Niamey, BP 12312, Niger
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +2348000022252
WhatsApp: +234 908 00 22252
Website: mariestopes.org.ng
Facebook: facebook.com/msichoicesng
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +234 07098 200 537
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Nigeria, 59 Anthony Enahoro Street, Utako, Abuja, Nigeria
Twitter: twitter.com/msichoicesng
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +221 0800 00 84 84
Website: mariestopes.sn
Facebook: facebook.com/MarieStopesSenegal
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +221 33 860 99 90
Address: Sacré Cœur 3, Villa 9513, BP 5950, Dakar, Senegal
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: 3535 (Airtel toll free no.) +23276383884
Website: mariestopes.org.sl
Facebook: facebook.com/mariestopessl
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +232 79 272775
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Sierra Leone, 10A Ahmed Drive, Off Sir Samuel Lewis Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Twitter: twitter.com/MarieStopesSL
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +27 0800 11 77 85
Website: mariestopes.org.za
Facebook: facebook.com/mariestopes.org.za
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +27 021 422 4096
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes South Africa, 5th Floor, Summit House, 85 Klipfontein Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town
Twitter: twitter.com/Mariestopes_SA
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +255 0800 75 3333
Website: mariestopes.or.tz
Facebook: facebook.com/mariestopestz
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +255 22 2774991
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Tanzania, Plot No. 421/422, Mwenge – Kijitonyama area, P.O. Box 7072, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Twitter: twitter.com/mariestopestz
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: (+256) 0800 220 333
WhatsApp: 707713301
Website: mariestopes.or.ug
Facebook: facebook.com/MarieStopesUganda
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: 0200 900 822
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes UG, Plot No. 1020, Kisugu-Muyenga, PO Box 10431, Kampala, Uganda
Twitter: twitter.com/mariestopestz
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: 5600 (toll free on MTN or Airtel networks)
WhatsApp: +260762560733
Facebook: facebook.com/MarieStopesZambia
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +260 965005600
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Zambia, Plot 120 Kudu Road, Kabulonga, P.O Box 33739, Lusaka, Zambia – 10101
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +263 0808 00 19/20
Website: pszim.com
Facebook: facebook.com/pszimbabwe
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +263 0772 145 223/24
Email: [email protected]
Address: Population Services Zimbabwe, 9 Bisley Circle, Belvedere, Harare, Zimbabwe
MSI has 2 country programmes in Europe.
For any inquiries, please contact:
Tel: +40 21 330 25 85
Email: [email protected]
Website: mariestopes.ro
Address: Marie Stopes Romania, Strada Bucur nr 3A, Bucuresti, Romania
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +44 0345 300 8090
Website: www.msichoices.org.uk
Facebook: facebook.com/MSIchoicesUK
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +44 020 7636 6200
Email: [email protected]
Address: MSI Reproductive Choices UK, 1 Conway Street, Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6LP, UK
Latin America
MSI has 2 country programmes in Latin America.
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: 508-50060
WhatsApp: 789 98014
Website: mariestopes.org.bo
Facebook: facebook.com/marie.bolivia
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +591 (2) 278 5069
Email: [email protected]
Address: Obrajes, Av. Héctor Ormachea N° 6115 entre calles 15 y 16, La Paz, Bolivia
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +52 55 5543 0000
Website: mariestopes.org.mx
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +52 55 8995 3080
Email: [email protected]
Address: Fundación MSI, Insurgentes Sur 1228, 6th floor, Tlacoquemécatl del Valle, Benito Juárez, CDMX, 03100
Twitter: twitter.com/MarieStopesMex
Tiktok: tiktok.com/@mariestopesmexico
Instagram: instagram.com/mariestopesmexico_
North America
MSI has a support office in the United States of America.
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Website: msiunitedstates.org
Tel: +1 202 601 2825
Email: [email protected]
Address: MSI United States, PO Box 35528, Washington, DC 20033, USA
Pacific Asia
MSI has 8 country programmes in Pacific Asia.
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +61 1300 003 707
Website: msiaustralia.org.au
Facebook: facebook.com/australiamsi
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +61 300 478 486
Email: [email protected]
Address: MSI Asia Pacific, GPO Box 1635, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia
Twitter: twitter.com/MSI_Australia
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: (+855)12 999 002
Website: mariestopes.org.kh
Facebook: facebook.com/MarieStopesKh
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: (+855)23 994 083
Email: [email protected]
Address: Phnom Penh Centre, Building F, 1st Floor, Sothearos Boulevard, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmorn Phnom Penh, Cambodia
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +86 029 8536 2011 / 025 8321 7977 / 0532 8592 7606
Website: mariestopes.org.cn
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +86 010 8485 4988/98
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes China, Building 18, Room 103, Euro-classic Compound, 172 Bei Yuan Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing 100101, China
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +976 070 11 3283
Website: msichoicesmongolia.org
Facebook: facebook.com/MSIMongolia
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +976 11 7711 6194
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes International Clinics & Contraceptives (MSICC), 3rd Microdistrict, 14th khoroo, L. Enebish Avenue 11/1, Bayangol District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +95 01 705 657
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +95 01 544 423
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Myanmar, 524/10 New University Avenue Road, Saya San Ward, Bahan Township, Yangon 11201, Myanmar
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: 1200
Website: mariestopespng.org.pg
Facebook: facebook.com/MSPNG
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +675 325 5320
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Papua New Guinea, Sect 53, Lot 16, Ume Street, Gordons, PO Box 972, Waigani, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea
Twitter: twitter.com/mariestopespng
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +670 3322 923
Website: mariestopes.tl
Facebook: facebook.com/Mariestopestl
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +670 3322 923
Address: Marie Stopes Timor-Leste, Rua Belarmino Lobo, Bidau Lecidere, PO Box 313, Dili, Timor Leste
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +84 1900 55 88 82
Website: drmarie.com.vn/en/home
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +84 04 3722 5471
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Vietnam, Units 201-205, A1 Building, Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound, No. 298 Kim Ma Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam
South Asia
MSI has 4 country programmes in South Asia.
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +880 01730 450 678 / +880 01755 578 215 / +880 01762 686 866
Website: mariestopes.org.bd
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +880 0258 152 538
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Bangladesh, House # 6/2, block F, Kazi Nazrul Islam Road, Lalmatia Housing Estate, Dhaka 1027, Bangladesh
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +91 11 4984 0000 / +91 40 3068 0659
Website: frhsi.org.in
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
FRHS India – service provision
Address: R-9 First Floor, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi 110016
Tel: +91 11 4984 0000
PHS India – social marketing reproductive health products
Address: Uma Hyderabad House, Rajbhavan Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500 082, India
Tel: +91 40 3068 0659
Website: phsindia.org
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: 1143 (toll-free) / +977016600119756 (free on NTC network) / 09801119756
WhatsApp: +9779847695248
Website: mariestopes.org.np
Facebook: facebook.com/MarieStopesinNepal
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +977 01 4419 371 / 01 4439 681
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marie Stopes Nepal, Baluwatar, GPO Box 11254, Kathmandu, Nepal
Twitter: twitter.com/msi_nepal
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +94 766 27 37 37
Website: populationservices.org
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +94 112 80 67 30
Email: [email protected]
Address: Population Services Lanka, 17/13, Jasmine Park, Nawala, Sri Lanka
West Asia and Middle East
MSI has 2 country programmes in West Asia and Middle East.
Please contact the Global Support Office for enquiries regarding Afghanistan’s programme.
To access services, contact:
Contact centre: +92 0800 22 333
Website: mariestopespk.org
For other inquiries, contact their support office:
Tel: +92 21 111 538 538
Address: Marie Stopes Society, PO Box 12298, Pakistan