Briefing: Choice and the Climate Crisis

Crisis settings   |   17 May 2024 



Methodology – the impact of the climate crisis on access to contraception

“Resources are scarce now because of climate change. Thanks to family planning, we can support ourselves, look after our children, and get on with everyday activities. This is why we use contraception—to reclaim our lives.”

– Binetou, local leader in her climate-affected community of Joal, Senegal

MSI teams are in climate-affected communities protecting women’s access to reproductive health services—in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malawi, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Myanmar, and beyond. For our teams and clients on the frontline of the climate crisis, the link between climate justice and women’s reproductive rights could not be clearer. Climate change is not a threat in the future, it’s their daily reality.

Learn more about building climate resilience by protecting women’s reproductive choices in our two-page briefing: Choice and Climate Change



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