MSI Statement on Abortion Clinic ‘Safe Access Zones’

Policy and advocacy   |   18 September 2024   |   2 min read



MSI Reproductive Choices – United Kingdom – 20230605

The UK Government has announced that Safe Access Zones around abortion clinics will be implemented from 31st October in England and Wales, preventing anti-choice groups from harassing those seeking and providing abortion care.

MSI Reproductive Choices was proud to be part of the campaign to secure this. Welcoming the news, Louise McCudden, UK head of external affairs at MSI Reproductive Choices, commented:

“Women and frontline healthcare workers will finally have the protection they deserve from anti-abortion harassment outside clinics and hospitals. 

“The behaviour we’ve seen outside our clinics includes spitting, calling women ‘murderers’, crying out ‘mummy! mummy!’ to women as they enter or leave, filming or taking photographs, and handing out false medical information. 

“As a global provider of reproductive healthcare, we know there is a very real threat of women’s hard-won rights being rolled back in many parts of the world, with anti-abortion gatherings outside our clinics spiking when Roe v Wade was reversed in the United States. By getting Safe Access Zones up and running, the UK government is not only supporting women in England and Wales to exercise their own reproductive rights safely and with dignity, but they are also sending a clear signal to anti-rights groups elsewhere that their harassment of women is not acceptable. 

“Whatever your personal views are on abortion, nobody should be harassed while accessing healthcare.”

Notes to Editor 

For interviews and further information please contact: 

Email: [email protected]  

Tel: +44 (0)7769 166 516  



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